ZriInternational conference was organized to commemorate the death of Miklós Zrínyi in Budapest on November 18–20. Miklós Zrínyi (1620–1664), the politician, poet and military leader, a great figure of Hungarian and Croatian history and literature died 350 years ago. Besides the anniversary, his life and works are worth revisiting since in many respects his public image exhibits a paradigm shift. In order to present these new findings in various fields (history, literary and military history), the Research Centre for the Humanities of HAS, the National University of Public Service and the Institute and Museum of Military History, Ministry of Defence have collaborated in organizing an international conference with the participation of Hungarian, Croatian, Czech and Italian scholars.

As Zrínyi’s life and personality, the conference was crossing borders in physical (ethnic and national borders) and intellectual (interdisciplinary studies) sense, too, attempting to synthetize research on Zrínyi carried out in various disciplines and countries. In three days, 40 lectures were held in 8 sections, concerning Miklós Zrínyi’s images in different ages, the tendencies in research and reception, the Croatian context of his life and work, borders and regions in his life, his military activity, the political and historical context of his life, his literary works. The conference was closed with a round table discussion on the new paradigms of the Zrínyi research.