HHR 2014 3 boritoHHR 2014 4 boritoThe new special thematic issues (vol. 3, no. 3 and no. 4, 2014) of The Hungarian Historical Review  have been published. The abstracts of the current issues and free full texts of the previous issues can be read here: http://www.hunghist.org/

"Identity, Loyalty, State: The Balkans in and after the Ottoman Empire" (vol. 3, no. 3, 2014) was edited by Gábor Demeter and Krisztián Csaplár-Degovics.
JUDIT GÁL: The Roles and Loyalties of the Bishops and Archbishops of Dalmatia (1102–1301)
ANTAL MOLNÁR: A Forgotten Bridgehead between Rome, Venice, and the Ottoman Empire: Cattaro and the Balkan. Missions in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
DŽEVADA ŠUŠKO: Bosniaks & Loyalty: Responses to the Conscription Law in Bosnia and Hercegovina 1881/82
KLARA VOLARIĆ: Between the Ottoman and Serbian States: Carigradski Glasnik, an Istanbul-based Paper
of Ottoman Serbs, 1895–1909
NADINE AKHUND: Stabilizing a Crisis and the Mürzsteg Agreement of 1903: International Efforts to Bring Peace to Macedonia
GÁBOR DEMETER AND KRISZTIÁN CSAPLÁR-DEGOVICS: Social Conflicts, Changing Identities and Everyday Strategies of Survival in Macedonia on the Eve of the Collapse of Ottoman Central Power (1903–12)
GÁBOR EGRY: Phantom Menaces? Ethnic Categorization, Loyalty and State Security in Interwar Romania
PENKA PEYKOVSKA: Literacy and Illiteracy in Austria–Hungary. The Case of Bulgarian Migrant Communities

Book Reviews

Земята и хората през ХVІІ – първите десетилетия на ХVІІІ век. Овладяване и организация на аграрното и социалното пространство на Централните и Южните Балкани под османска власт, Академично издателство [Land and People – in the Seventeenth Century and the First Decades of the
Eighteenth Century. Reclamation and Organization of the Agrarian and Social Spacein the Central and Southern Balkans under Ottoman Rule]. By Stefka Parveva. Reviewed by Gábor Demeter
Hungarian–Yugoslav Relations, 1918–1927. By Árpád Hornyák. Reviewed by László Bíró


"Religion in Social relations" (vol. 3, no. 4, 2014) was edited by Judit Klement and Veronika Novák.
ZSÓFIA KÁDÁR: The Difficulties of Conversion. Non-Catholic Students in Jesuit Colleges in Western Hungary in the First Half of the Seventeenth Century
GYÖRGY KÖVÉR: Intra- and Inter-confessional Conflicts in Tiszaeszlár in the Period of the “Great Trial”
MARY GLUCK: “The Jewish Ambassador to Budapest”: Mór Wahrmann and the Politics of “Tactfulness”
MIKLÓS KONRÁD: The Social Integration of the Jewish Upper Bourgeoisie in the Hungarian Traditional Elites. A Survey of the Period from the Reform Era to World War I
FRANK HENSCHEL: Religions and the Nation in Kassa before World War I.
MARTIN JEMELKA: Religious Life in an Industrial Town. The Example of Ostrava, 1850–1950.

Book Reviews

A reformáció nyelve. Tanulmányok a magyarországi reformáció első negyedszázadának vizsgálata alapján. (Humanizmus és reformáció 34) [Language of the Reformation. Essays Based on the Study of the First Twenty-five Years of the Hungarian Reformation (Humanism and Reformation 34)]. By Zoltán Csepregi. Reviewed by Gabriella Erdélyi.
Politikai korrupció a Monarchia Magyarországán, 1867–1918 [Political Corruption in Hungary of the Compromise Era, 1867–1918]. By András Cieger. Reviewed by Zoltán Fónagy.
The Inauguration of Organized Political Warfare – Cold War Organizations Sponsored by the National Committee for a Free Europe / Free Europe Committee. Edited by Katalin Kádár Lynn. Reviewed by Barnabás Vajda.
Kisebbség és többség között. A magyar és a zsidó/izraeli etnikai és kulturális tapasztalatok az elmúlt századokban [Between Minority and Majority. Hungarian and Jewish/Israeli Ethnical and Cultural Experiences in the Last Centuries]. Edited by Pál Hatos and Attila Novák. Reviewed by Árpád Welker

Annual subscriptions: $80/€60 ($100/€75 for institutions), postage excluded.
For Hungarian institutions HUF7900 per year, postage included.
Single copy $25/€20. For Hungarian institutions HUF2000.
Send orders to The Hungarian Historical Review, H-1250 Budapest, P.O. Box 9. Hungary; e-mail: .