The Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Centre for the Humanities hosts the international workshop on social and economic transitions at different scales in modern Central- and Southeast-Europe, in Budapest, on 20th March 2015.
The organizers are the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Centre for Humanities  and the Collegium Carolinum Munich.
The program of the conference and the abstracts of the lectures can be read here:
Workshop´s tracks (information from here:

Panel 1:Austria–Hungary’s Peculiar Relations with the Areas Inhabited by Albanians
The present panel demonstrates the diverse relations Austria–Hungary tended with Albanian territories. These relations were based on the consulary reports that provided not only the analyses of the current political situation but detailed and elaborate accounts on the everyday life of the Albanian-inhabited regions.

Panel 2: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the History of Austria–Hungary
In order to go beyond national narratives, this panel combines different interdisciplinary and supranational perspectives. Political science – both with the approach of ‘multinational federalism’ and with an institutionalist perspective – sheds fresh light on multiethnicity, multiconfessionality as well as on socioeconomic and political cleavages within the Dualist Empire. Last not least, historiography on Austria–Hungary has to become aware of its own supranational history as well.

Panel 3: Empires in the Making and Breaking
The first lecture of the present panel demonstrates the relation between the peculiar theoretical background of Socialism and these nationbuilding processes, and examines how much room Socialism allowed for these aspirations and how it adjusted its ideological framework to meet the challenges posed by these endeavours. Out of the realized Socialist models the two other lectures shall focus on the Yugoslavian case and promise to investigate the Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian nationbuilding aspirations in the 1960s.

Panel 4: Nation-building in Socialism
The panel explores the social and political structures of modern empires in their life and afterlife. It will expose how modern empires integrated societies, how they disintegrated and how imperial institutions, practices and customs evolved and impacted successor states. The papers will focus on different aspects of these processes in order to show not only the process of integration and disintegration, but also to highlight the legacy of empires, how much the left their mark on the regions societies and states at different levels.