hhr 2012 1-2The Institute of History of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences launched a new scholarly journal dealing with Hungarian history in English language. The premiere of the journal was held on February 26, 2013, where it was introduced and reviewed by László Kontler, Professor of the Central European University, Budapest.
The Hungarian Historical Review (www.hunghist.org) is a peer-reviewed international journal of the social sciences and humanities with a focus on Hungarian history. The journal’s geographical scope—Hungary and East-Central Europe—makes it unique: the Hungarian Historical Review explores historical events in Hungary, but also raises broader questions in a transnational context. The articles and book reviews cover topics regarding Hungarian and East-Central European History. The journal aims to stimulate dialogue on Hungarian and East-Central European history in a transnational context. The journal fills lacuna, as it provides a forum for articles and reviews in English on Hungarian and East-Central European history, making Hungarian historiography accessible to the international reading public and part of the larger international scholarly discourse.