The research fellows of the History Institute, RCH HAS have participated several international conferences of Balkan studies in 2013.
On October 25–26, 2013, the annual conference of AIESEE (Association Internationale d’Etudes du Sud-Est Européen) was organized in cooperation with the Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences in Zagreb. Three research fellows of the History Institute had lectures at the conference: Dénes Sokcsevits (The Images of the Hungarians and Croatians in the early 20th century), Árpád Hornyák (The Image of Hungary and the Hungarians in the Yugoslav Foreign Policy 1918–1945) and Gábor Demeter (Do ancient stereotypes prevail and what political ideas do they serve? The image of Balkan peoples through the eyes of Hungarian politicians /Lajos Thallóczy and István Burián/ and travellers of the 19th century). More information on the conference, lectures, presenters:
On November 4–5, 2013, international conference was held in Skopje organized by the Institute of National History of the SS. Cyril and Methodius University, on the 100th anniversary of the Balkan wars. Our institute was represented by László Bíró (Yugoslav integration and Macedonia, 1918–1939) and Gábor Demeter (Ethnic mapping as instrument of nation building valamint Microsocial strategies of survival and coexistence in Macedonia, 1903–1912. Examples on family and community level social conflicts and government repressions).
The same event, the 100th anniversary of the Balkan wars was the main topic of another international conference in Sofia, Bulgaria, on November 11–12, entitled Bulgaria – Sources and Documents. The conference was organized by the History Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences with the financial support of the European Union. Gábor Demeter, research fellow of our Institute of History, RCH HAS gave a lecture with the title Hesitation, incompetence or astuteness? The diplomacy of Austria-Hungary in 1912–1913 based on the diary of Lajos Thallóczy.