The Early Modern Research Team of the Institute of History and the Institute of Archaeology of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences organised a workshop with the title Hereditas Siculorum. New research results on old Székely Land on 30th April, 2013, in the Institute of History. The lecturers of the workshop were researchers from research institutes (Institute of History, Institute of Art History and Institute of Archaeology of the RCH of HAS, Hungary and Haáz Rezső Museum in Székelyudvarhely/ Odorheiu Secuiesc, Romania) and universities (Miskolc, Budapest ELTE, Szeged in Hungary and Babeş–Bolyai in Kolozsvár/Cluj-Napoca, Romania) of Hungary and Transylvania (Romania) as well. They
represented the interdisciplinary approach now applied in the study of the Székely Land and people, as there were historians, archaeologists, archivists, art historians and museologists among them. The topics they lectured on included new results about the history of the Székely land, new concepts and theories and also new methods of research and possible new sources for further research as well. The organizers of the conference emphasized the significance of the interdisciplinary and inter-institute (and also international) character of the present research projects, which will hopefully result in a long-expected large-scale synthesis of the history of the Székely Land and people.