TSz 2020 01 B1 kicsi

István Tringli The Történelmi Szemle is Sixty-Five Years Old 169

Boglárka Weisz The Golden Bull of Buda and the Medieval Privileges of the City 171
Pál Fodor – András Mércz What is Lost at Mohács? An Ottoman-Turkish Casualty List of the 1526 Campaign 193
Ágnes Szalai Border Conflict between Transylvania and the Vilayet of Várad in 1671−1672 237
Szilvia Czinege The Imprint of Széchenyi’s First Works on his Correspondence 257
Balázs Ablonczy “Budapest cannot provide the accomodation they deserve”. Refugee officials in the county of Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun after World War I 275 Lóránt Bódi Order in the Words: Anti-Semitism and the Jewish Genocide in the Lexicons (1889–1948) 291
Csaba Zahorán Feasts of Nations and National States, Gestures and Counter-Gestures. The Centenary of the End of World War I and the Signing of the Treaty of Trianon in the Memory Politics of Slovakia, Romania and Hungary, 2018–2020 317

Antal Molnár The Hungarian Greek Catholic History(writing) from the Road of Calvary to the Success Story. Lessons from an Exhibition Catalogue 327