Janka Kovács, a postdoctoral researcher at our institute, participated in a bilingual workshop on hospital history in Regensburg, Germany, from 6-9 October 2024.
The conference Pluralizing Hospital Histories. Charity, Resilience, and Transformation in the Longue Durée / Plurale Hospitalgeschichte(n). Caritas, Resilienz und Transformation in der longue durée was hosted by the St. Katharinenspitalstiftung, one of the oldest hospitals in Central Europe, and the hospital archives.
St. Katharinenspital. Photo by Dr Bernd Gross/Wikimedia Commons
The lecture "Alternative Spaces" for the Mentally Ill: Mental Health Care in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Hungary before the Institutionalization of Psychiatry, focused on the "alternative" settings (public hospitals, private asylums, institutions of the Mercy Hospital network) and their therapeutic and administrative practices that accommodated and provided certain types of care for the mentally ill before the first state-run central mental hospitals were established.