From Assyria to the Syrian Statehood: Dilemmas and Crossroads (László Bíró) 505
Steve Tamari: Arab National Consciousness in Early Modern Syria 511
Máté Horváth: The Heterodox Religious Communities of Syria 523
Péter Ákos Ferwagner: The Shock of the French Colonial Rule in the Middle East: The Great Syrian Revolt, 1925–1927 545
Dániel Sógor: Syria – an Old-New Pathfi nder Country 575
Zoltán Sz. Bíró: The Soviet Union and Russia in the Middle East 597
Gergely Varga: Relations between the United States and Syria from 1946 to the Present 619
Erzsébet N. Rózsa: Insurgence, Terrorism, and State Violence in the Syrian Confl ict 647
Book Reviews
The Tartars and the South Slavic Countries in the Second Half of the 13th Century (Sándor Szmutkó) 663
Interests and Rules: Merchants and Institutions in the 16–19th Centuries (Attila Tózsa-Rigó) 666
Social Inequalities and Discontent in Yugoslav Socialism (Péter Vukman) 671