tsz2011 2kSTUDIES
Gábor Gyáni: Historical Event and Structure: The Controversial Nature of their Relationship 145
Klára Jakó: How Did They See Us? The Picture of the Hungarians in the Moldavian and Wallachian Narrative Sources in the 17th and early 18th Centuries 163
Anikó Prepuk: A Social Law in the Labyrinth of Statute Making: The Introduction of Sunday as Holyday in Hungary 183
Levente Püski: From Professional to Politician – Bálint Hóman 215
Stefano Bottoni: „Friendly Cooperation”: State Security Contacts between Hungary and Romania (1945–1982) 235

Judit Benda: From Market to Commercial Hall. Trading Buildings in Medieval Buda 259

Kornél Nagy: The Confession of the Armenians of Transylvania in 1692 283