László Solymosi: Native Tongue and Legal Literacy in Medieval Hungary 479
Ágnes R. Várkonyi: On the Philosophy of Dressing 503
László Péter Schramek: The Debate between Ferenc Wesselényi, György Lippay and Imre Balassa about the Lord-Lieutenancy (Főispánság) of Pest County 537
Gábor Vaderna: Diary and Event. Count József Dessewffy: Testi erkölcsi és társalkodási élet Pesten 1828 (Moral and Social Life at Pest in 1828) 569
Csaba Zahorán: The Trianon-Phenomenon in the Mirror of Pressburg 591
Edit Sárosi: The Historical Topography of the Market Place at Kecskemét 615