tsz 2012 4

Attila Zsoldos. The Palatine and his Deputy: János and Vilmos Druget 527
Nóra G. Etényi: The Public Policies of the Imperial Court at the Coronation of Joseph I as King of Hungary 543
Zoltán Fónagy: Musical Publicity and Bourgeois Culture of Behaviour. The 19th-Century Concert Hall from the Perspective of Social History 577
Zsuzsanna Varga: Why is success equal to guilt? Leaders of Agrarian Cooperatives as Accused in the 1970s 599

Éva Kovács: Plans for “Developing” Public Education between 1949 and 1956 623

Andreas Schmidt-Schweizer–Tibor Dömötörfi: Invitation as “private person” for “hunting”. The First Visit of Franz Josef Strauß to Hungary, 1977 653

Erdélyi Gabriella: Szökött szerzetesek. Erõszak és fiatalok a késõ középkorban (Csepregi Zoltán) 667
Szovjet diplomáciai jelentések Magyarországról a Hruscsov-korszakban (Sz. Bíró Zoltán) 672

Bibliography of the Works of Miklós Lackó (1921–2010) 677