TSz 2020 01 B1 kicsiSTUDIES
András Vadas River-Bed Dynamics and Changing Estate Borders in Medieval Hungary 5
Dávid Turbucz Miklós Horthy around the World Globe. Trotting onboard the Saida, 1892–1894 19
Csaba Katona Bulgaria’s Entry to World War I in the Mirror of the Hungarian Press 31

Szabolcs Varga Remarks on the Death of Louis (II) Jagiellon 57
Norbert Pap – Péter Gyenizse – Máté Kitanics – Gábor Szalai The Place where Louis (II) Jagiellon Died 73
Norbert Pap – Péter Gyenizse – Máté Kitanics – Gábor Szalai The Main Geographical Features of the Scenes of the 1526 Battle of Mohács 111
Balázs Sudár The Village of Földvár in the Ottoman Era 153
János B. Szabó Neither Majs, nor Sátorhely. Remarks on the Paper of Norbert Pap and his Co-Authors Called “Sátorhely or Majs”? 169
Norbert Pap – Máté Kitanics – Péter Gyenizse – Gábor Szalai Reflections on the Conception of János B. Szabó as Outlined in his Papers “Egy Mátyás-kori oklevél…” and “Sem nem Majs, sem nem Sátorhely” 179
János B. Szabó – Gábor Máté Refections on the Interpretational Possibilities of Historical Sources – and the Limits of Interpretation – with Regard to the new Geographical Exploration of the Battlefield of Mohács 189

György Gyarmati Mária Ormos (1930–2019) 203
Gabriella Erdélyi Katalin Péter (1937–2020) 207